Friday 30 September 2011

Liu, Vanessa Sze Kei:

I think you did a good job with your  1:1 detail, working with the laser cutter to create the individual puzzle pieces then assembling them together. I like they way that you investigated the effects of lighting and how it can be manipulated between the puzzle pieces. It was also good how the set played a major part in your design and how the structure can be used for the public is really interesting. I think that doing a couple of drawings showing the lighting effects or interior of the structure would really enhance the project. Overall I think you did a good job. 

He, Yi Heng: 

I liked the way that you developed your project from the previous gathering project. The use of computer renderings helped to explain and imagine your building in the surrounding environment. I like the way what your building interacted with its surroundings by going down into the ground making it seem more permanent and realistic.  The 1:1 detail was well made and showed a main idea that you wanted to portray. 

Tamara Ann Creswell-Wells:

Was not at crit on Thursday and her name isnt on blog sheet. 

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Sunday 25 September 2011

Quick sketches of office views

These sketches illustrate the views that I want to achieve for each office space.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Development of sculptie

Looking at the structure of the table and the different shapes and spaces created inside....these could represent different rooms or areas in my building and the different experiences that you have in each of these spaces.

Quick ideas for gifting

designing for generosity....experiences linked with development of learning, knowledge, traveling, movement, a journey. New things being discovered as you explore further into the building...reactive architecture. How do you enter the building? and how do you move around it? it up to you or is it directive...purposeful. the way the you move around the building similar to that of the movement in my stop motion.

Stop Motion -movement

In my stop motion there is a movement which is similar to that a conductor of music would make, quick, purposeful movements. I took inspiration from this when creating my object on 3Ds Max.

Gifting - new word

Tri-structural-fabrication ...This word describes my architecture from my previous project.

3Ds Max- sculptie

I created a table for my building using 3Ds Max then importing it into Second Life.
I want to change the texture and create my own that is better suited to the final structure.


The gift of discovering and experiencing new places, cultures and environments through travel. Being able to explore and experience the world is a gift that only a limited number people have the opportunity to do.

Friday 16 September 2011

Stop Motion

I had some trouble uploading the video to YouTube but here is the link :)

Second Life Groups Crits

 Zenglin, Yuan:

I liked the way that you incorporated ideas form your presidents building as well as previous projects. It was good to see that you made use of the surrounding buildings, by connecting yours to the existing structure in Second Life. It would have been good to see the structure in relation to the real life site and see if it is connected to the existing building in real life as well as in Second Life. I liked how you played with textures on the building. 

Kung, Grace Yi:

I liked your structure however unfinished due to the lack of prims, I think you were able to express your idea well. I liked the use of scripts and the idea of making the structure expand and contract using scripts. It was good that you payed attention to the site and made sure that it was placed in relation to its real life site. I think it would help to see the structure placed in the real life surroundings for example by using photoshop. This would really enhance your project and make the scheme realistic. 

Chen, Xinran 

I liked the idea of creating a performing arts studio. I commend the way that you thought about the interior spaces, making spaces that had specific uses and was realistic, in terms of having facilities for offices, toilets and showers as well as thinking about accessibility for the disabled. 
On the other hand I think you could have payed more attention to the form of the structure. I think it would have been good to choose say choose a specific art form for example dance and develop a certain aspect that interests you for example ballet and what that type of dancing suggests eg gracefulness, technique, skill. And using an idea to influence the structure. I think by doing this you would be able to work with what really interests you about the performing arts and develop it into a unique form. Possibly developing the ideas from the previous project where you worked with lighting, as I thought it was a strong idea. I think you did a good job and presenting it in sketch up was a good comprise for the lack of prims on Second Life.

Wednesday 14 September 2011


Stop motion video would not upload to blog or youtube, but will post it up as soon as I can.

Tuesday 13 September 2011


My colleagues are an architect(myself), engineer, builder, technician and a specialist in the pre-fabrication of plastic.

I want my firm to specialize in pre-fabrication of materials such as plastic and also focus on the repetition of a shape to be used to create structures.